Your Kununurra History
KHS is seeking past and present Kununurra residents to participate in a project to preserve the history of the town, by calling on all businesses, Government Departments, Organisations, Clubs, Associations, and especially people to supply and share a history of their Kununurra involvements.
The archive collections we have been building up for more than thirty years now (2017), for the past fifteen years in a purpose-built museum and archive facility, to preserve our collections. We have a good representation of many club and associations from Kununurra's past (some are still going), records like, original minute books, correspondence, logos and photographs as well as other objects.
Alternatively, or as well, you can participate in the "Have You Lived in Kununurra" Group Pool and add your history with your image descriptions on the Flickr platform - See KHS on Flickr.
These histories would be preserved in the KHS Archive and in future would give a great "snapshot" of Kununurra in the town's 50th year.
KHS Archive may hold information on your association or club, contact us if you want assistance to research your organisation.
The list below can be used as a guideline [Just Select the area below, then Copy and Paste into a document] for what to write about. However feel free to write as you please or add others not mentioned below. Add images or send audio and video to the addresses above. Guidelines Only
Name of person, people or family who lived in the East Kimberley Region.
About them: [e.g. Nickname(s) and reason for ? etc. Best remembered for ?]
Birth (and Death) details.
What Brought you to Kununurra or the East Kimberley. [Job, Family, Business, ?]
First Impressions.
The Appearance of the Area.
Years of Residence - Dates lived in the East Kimberley.
Name of Spouse/Partner, Children.
Your Workplace - Jobs held in the East Kimberley (with dates, if known).
Lived at (Kununurra address if known [add picture(s) if possible – eg. Kimberley Research Station, Construction Camps, Stations, Lake Argyle or other East Kimberley places.]
Sporting and other Leisure Activities.
Schooling – Educational Opportunities.
Sporting Affiliations. (Clubs belonged to etc.)
Shops and other Amenities.
How things Changed. - The growth of Kununurra and the ORIA.
What you as an individual, business or group may have done to help this growth.
Good friends (any funny work/ other stories?)
Events (eg. Races, Cotton/Ord Festivals, Picture Gardens, Ord Tiki Event, Dam to Dam, Christmas Parties, Important Visitor Events/Openings. Etc.)
Name of department, business or association.
Years of activity in Kununurra or surrounds.
List of managers/staff/volunteers.
A short history of the department, business or association.
This information has been supplied to KHS Archive & Museum by:
Contact Phone Numbers:
Email address:
Please attach and email any photographs or upload to this Flickr Group and include details of your stories in image descriptions.
We are interested in ANY contributions, no matter how small you think they may be, all information could be useful in the future.
You could put these into a document format, or record these details to tape/CD or video/DVD with a “release” to allow such items to be used in future research projects.
Whether you are an individual, family, organization or business, and have records of significance to the history of the Ord, please consider their future preservation, in the Kununurra Historical Society purpose built Archive facility. It is of great importance to preserve Kununurra's history, with an ever transient population, the KHS is actively seeking to collect, original or digital photographic collections, and documents, of significance to this history, from past, present and future residents. If you know of records that should be preserved for the future, please Contact KHS.
Back to TOP of Your Kununurra History Guidelines or Also See - Join KHS Now!
See - Your Kununurra History Guidelines (Below)
Due to the transient nature of Kununurra's populations, it is crucial that records for clubs and associations are preserved for future access. Many records placed in Kununurra Sheds have been ravaged by the Mastotermes whiteants, cockroaches, the October-November build-up heat (42 degrees C every day in the shade), dust and insects generally. See the photograph to right - "Archivist's Nightmare - Crocodile Coast Crash book by Howard Young (a whole box of these were eaten through in a wet season) & BG's over-locker sewing machine book eaten by Mastotermes whiteants in Kununurra.
We are especially looking for people who may have worked on the Ord River Diversion dam and associated projects 1960-1963 or at Top Dam 1968 to 1972 or indeed any present or former Kununurra residents to contact us and tell us their stories. We would also like to share with them the images that we are making accessible to all.
So if you are, or know of, someone who worked on the Ord River Project please contact us or send them this page link (
These histories can be as complex or as simple as you like, in documents and object form with real photographs posted to the archive, or in any electronic document format.
Please DO include images if you can, and post to PO Box 77 Kununurra, WA 6743 or email to