"Looking Back"
KHS History Column for The Kimberley Echo
From here you will find links to the unedited versions of articles that were created for a fortnightly column in The Kimberley Echo, as well as further research that has been compiled on some of the topics discussed.
Introduction or Go to the Articles.
During 2011 KHS presented a history column for The Kimberley Echo titled "Looking Back."
[Unfortunately 250 words was a very small space to try and fit all that was happening, however I have done my best with the space available. - AB]
The first few columns gave a very brief summary of tropical agriculture in the Kimberley from 1879 to 1959, working up to the end of the wet season these built up to 1961, as major works did not start on the Diversion Dam until about April in that year.
The rest of the column articles concentrate on 1961, 50 Years ago, mainly using a KHS archival volume, "Ord River Project Press Cuttings - June 1960 to July 1963," which was compiled by Resident Engineer on the Diversion Dam Project, the late Roy A. Hamilton JP BE FIE(AUST) FAIM OAM. This navy blue bound volume, with gold embossed title, which was donated anonymously to the archive in 2007, has a wealth of information on what was being written in the press in those early days. To the two anonymous donors thank you for the foresight in having this piece of our history preserved for the future in the KHS Archive, allowing us to make it accessible to all.
One or two archival photographs, are also provided by KHS, to accompany each column, and photographer or collection is supposed to be acknowledged in the Echo. The images have been provided from more than 2500 photographs that have been digitised and documented by dedicated KHS volunteers.
Hope you enjoy reading the articles.
"Looking Back" Column Articles for the Kimberley Echo.
[Dates refer to publishing date - Article titles are formulated by the Kimberley Echo.]
Some articles may contain a link at the end of the article which will go to further research on that topic. A PDF is downloadable for each article at the end of each page presented. Hope you enjoy this history!
Thursday January 13th 2011 - "An agricultural beginning"
Thursday January 27th 2011 - "Ord's antecendents arose from drought"
Thursday February 10th 2011 - "Rice sowed seeds of town that became Kununurra"
Thursday February 24th 2011 - "Kununurra's name has a rich history"
Thursday March 10th 2011 - "Establishing the Pilot Farm"
Thursday March 31st 2011 - "Investigating Dimond Gorge Dam"
Thursday April 21st 2011 - "Ord Scheme will Dwarf Snowy Project"
Thursday May 5th 2011 - "Charles Court Initiates Ord Project"
Thursday May 19th 2011 - "First Pilot Farm Rice Harvest"
Thursday June 2nd 2011 - "Premier Brand Opens Ord River Club"
Thursday June 16th 2011 - [Not Published - Check ? AB]