75 Years of Ord Irrigation
Post date: Aug 17, 2015 5:47:23 PM
[Crop from cover of the KHS transcribed document - Click image to download this document of historical significance, to mark 75 years of Ord Irrigation history in 2016, made accessible to all by KHS in August 2015.]
On March 31st 1941 Kimberley Michael Durack (KMD) published a document which would lead to the instigation of an Ord River irrigation research station by the end of the same year. The reference to KMD's paper, titled, 'Developing the North - Proposed Research Station for the Kimberleys', was known from previous KHS research, but not in the archive, then in February 2015, the paper was located then photographed page by page, and since then, these pages have been transcribed by volunteer members of the Kununurra Historical Society (KHS). With the text and images now compiled into a document, with derivative format (PDF) which has now been placed for download (below) – fittingly this will be the first KHS archive to be placed as an online digital archive on the KHS website, to be made accessible to all.
Download KHS archive number KHS-2015-1-H-BD - 'Developing the North - Proposed Research Station for the Kimberleys'
written by KM Durack and published on March 31st 1941. [This will be 75 years ago on March 31st 2016]
KHS hopes you enjoy and we would appreciate any feedback you may have by email ('Contact' above).
[As this PDF is hyperlinked it is best viewed by saving to your hard drive and viewing in Adobe Acrobat Reader and not in web based viewers as hyperlinking may not work correctly.]