Bert Lee 1971-72 Operation Ord Noah
Post date: Feb 15, 2017 8:7:28 PM
Bert Lee - 'Operation Ord Noah' Collection
[As embedded Slideshow here on this page >>> ] - Use the '4 cornered' gadget in lower right hand side to go full screen - Once there use controls at top right to show full documentation for all of our archival photographs on Flickr! This collection, placed online last night has been included in the Trove Australia Group on Flickr, so are now also accessible to all via a NLA Trove search!
After distressing scenes when the Aswan Dam in Egypt first filled the WA Government did not want a repeat here, so the WA Wildlife Authority (another NLA) got involved to rescue and relocate animals caught by the Ord in flood filling Lake Argyle for the first time. Thanks Bert (in Townsville)!