Contact KHS

Visit the Kununurra Museum

You in the East Kimberley?  Visit the Kununurra Museum, run by volunteer members of the Kununurra Historical Society.


72 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra

(225 metres from the Post Office).

See the Kununurra Museum Map (below)

If you are visiting the East Kimberley please feel welcome to visit our Museum and soak up some incredibly interesting East Kimberley history.

The Kununurra Historical Society is a completely volunteer run organisation, registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR & as a Charity) with all donations over $2 being fully tax deductible.

Kununurra Museum

Archive, Gallery, Library, Museum & Research facility 

(225m from the Post Office - KHS Made map with history ;-)

Always Dependent on Volunteer Availability!

Dry Season Hours - April to September

OPEN - Opening Monday to Friday - Afternoons (12.30-5.30pm)

These hours are indicative only.  Often the Museum is open before the advertised opening time so if the gate is open and there is a car there, chances are that the museum is open, so feel free to come in. 

Wet Season Hours

 The Kununurra  Museum is often open during the wet season October to March (when much archive work gets done) , so if the gate is open and a car in the driveway, feel free to come in for some great history.

All opening hours are always dependent on volunteer availability!

For an alternative map to the map above (for use on a Kununurra Museum Flyer), there is also a map to the Kununurra Museum on the...

Kununurra Museum run by KHS - Facebook Page 

Kununurra Historical Society - Postal Address

Never address mail to our street address  at 72 Coolibah Drive as we may not receive it. 

(There are No Mail Deliveries at all for anyone in Kununurra - All goes to PO Boxes)

Kununurra Historical Society

PO Box 77

Kununurra, Western Australia    6743

Please Note that Kununurra is one of the few places in Australia, where there are NO MAIL DELIVERIES at all IE No house has a 'letter-box' out the front - as has always been the case in the town's history, people have a Post Office Box. So when POSTING anything to KHS always be sure to use our Post Office (PO) Box Number "77" to send anything by mail to the Society. (TIA - Thanks In Advance ;^)

KHS Archive Images On-Line

A Photographic Journey on the Ord

See links to KHS images on Flickr from 

KHS/Digital Archive/Collections page 

here on this website.

See around 3000 photographs that have been digitised and documented by dedicated KHS volunteers for "A Photographic Journey on the Ord."