New Leichhardt Book Launch
Post date: May 14, 2013 11:14:23 AM
The KHS president, Andrew Barker, will arrive in Canberra for the Museums Australia conference on the same day as,the launch for a new book by author Dr. Darrell Lewis (author of A Wild History - Life and Death on the Victoria River Frontier - 2012), and has been invited to attend the launch at the National Museum of Australia.
Andrew had read Darrell's manuscript for A Wild History, in 2010 and along with many others, received acknowledgement in that book. Andrew also contributed some possible Kimberley Leichhardt relics he had found, as references from newspaper research, after learning of Darrell's work on the searches for Leichhardt at the National Museum of Australia. A chance then arose for Andrew to read the manuscript for this new book on Leichhardt, during Darrell's last visit to Kununurra, early in 2012.
It is fascinating to think that Leichhardt may well have made it all the way to the Kimberley!
The May 16th book launch will be held at the National Museum of Australia.
Read more about, Where is Dr. Leichhardt? - The Greatest Mystery in Australian History, from...
You can pre-order the book from the following link.
OR both books are (or will be) available from the Kununurra Museum (KHS) + postage. Just email a request for a quote and direct deposit payment details from the Contact KHS page.
Also see the Kununurra Museum - Events Page for two weekend Open Days during the Ord Valley Muster (both Saturdays - 18th & 25th of May), when these books will be on sale.
Read more about A Wild History - Life and Death on the Victoria River Frontier, which was published in 2012, from