
Applying for a Researcher's Ticket

Before using archival and private archival records at the Kununurra Archive, Library, Museum and Research facility, it is necessary to register as a researcher and be issued with a Researcher's Ticket. Simply complete a researcher's registration form at the Enquiries Desk in the Kununurra Historical Society or here on this page. Appropriate identification - such as a scan of your driver's licence or a passport - needs to be provided. As part of the registration process, researchers must also sign or send an agreement to abide by the "Conditions for the Use of Archival Records". A Researcher's Ticket is valid for 1 year once obtained from the Kununurra Historical Society and must be produced each time records are requested.

Member Researcher

You could also join the society as a member. We encourage people to become financial life members to support the work on this archive, and receive regular updates. with no need for messy renewals at just 10 times the annual membership rate. Join KHS Now!


(As at 1st August 2013)

Kununurra Historical Society Inc.

[Affiliated with the Royal Western Australian Historical Society and the Historical Society of the NT]

Kununurra Archive, Library, Museum & Research - (Showcasing the significance of East Kimberley history.)

PO Box 77 - 72 Coolibah Drive (100 metres from the PO) - KUNUNURRA WA 6743

Phone: 08 9169 3331 - Email: - Web:

Research fees and charges: The Kununurra Historical Society is a non-Profit organization, operated by a small group of dedicated volunteers and receives no direct Government funding. To maintain and improve our collections these fees are charged to cover our costs and further aid to the upkeep of the archives. Inquiries can be made to Kununurra Historical Society by mail, telephone or email. All researchers are requested to complete a research form to enable a thorough search.

Archive permissions must be checked – prior to digitisation – Separate permissions must be sought, prior to ANY publication and a copy of any work derived from research at KHS must be provided free for preservation in the KHS Archive.

A. In person: During open hours $25.00 KHS [Researcher's Ticket]

In person’ means the researcher undertakes his or her own research with guidance and introduction from a Society member. Access to: library (excluding items archived for preservation reasons) archives files, all copied photos and negative proof books. Also see separate digitisation fees and permissions required.

This donation covers the researcher's ticket and 1 hour of volunteer time (assistance).

For extensive research requiring more than 1 hour of assistance then additional research rates may apply, payable to the KHS member researcher, at their discretion.

B. In person by appointment: Outside open hours - $25.00 to KHS

The $25.00 minimum is to cover the costs of opening for that researcher. This donation covers the researchers ticket and 1 hour of volunteer time (assistance).

For extensive research requiring more than 1 hour of assistance then additional research rates may apply, payable to the KHS member researcher, at their discretion.

C. Requests for Society members to undertake research: -

Initial inquiry - $25.00 – This involves a standard reply thanking them for their enquiry while explaining maintenance and search costs (researcher time) and sent with formal research request form. Can also include a photograph search and index search for sources. An initial inquiry fee of $25.00 includes research fee, 1 hour of volunteer time. See separate charges for digitisation and permissions required.

Extensive independent research can be undertaken by member researchers on your behalf at agreed rates. Contact Andrew Barker for North Australian history research including KHS records and various other external sources, on 08 9169 1600.

Postage at cost

Document Scanning to email or storage device (SD card, memory stick, CD/DVD) - (A3 maximum size for scanner – larger sizes for digital camera) - $25/hr. (min. charge). Photographing with digital camera/scanner digitisation – $1.00 per page or at hourly rate plus cost of storage device (dependant on volunteer/researcher availability).

[Archive permissions must be checked – prior to digitisation – Separate permissions must be sought, prior to ANY publication and a copy of the work provided free to KHS Archive.]

D. Members Research

Research is free for unassisted research by members during museum/archive open times. Normal photocopy and other rates apply.

For further information contact us, any time, either at the Kununurra Archives & Museum, 72 Coolibah Drive, Kununurra, where we meet at 7pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month : By post to PO Box 77 Kununurra, WA 6743 : Phone 08 9169 3331 : Dry Season - Open Monday to Friday 10.00am - 4pm (dependent on volunteer availability), or on request outside these hours : Contacts outside these hours email us - Contact KHS.

Conditions for the Use of Archival Records

The following conditions apply to all clients who wish to access archival records:

If access to any records is restricted this is noted in the Finding Aids. Staff will advise researchers of the appropriate access application procedure.

Researcher's Request – Application Form

Use Copy and Paste into email if you like.

See our bank details on the membership page for direct transfer.





Please scan and email your proof of identification.

Research Topic:

I have read and understand the archival handling procedure and that archive permissions must be checked prior to any digitisation, and that separate permissions must be sought, prior to ANY publication and a copy of the work provided free to the KHS Archive.

[By sending this form as email you agree to conditions - no signature required]

Signature: ­____________________________

Researcher's Permit Cost ($25.00) – Paid (Date) :

(Valid for 1 year)
