
e-BULLETIN No. 95 – 5 February 2012  

Hon Editor, Dr Ruth S. Kerr 

1) Earth: Fire and Rain 2012 Conference

2) National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries - Version 1.2 - November 2011

3) Volunteer's handbook

4) Museum lighting and airconditioning

5) Changes in museums since the 1970s 

6) Joint TICCH/ICOMOS 'Dublin Principles' for preservation


1) Earth: Fire and Rain 2012 Conference

Prevention, preparedness, response & recovery will be the focus of the Australian & New Zealand National Disaster and Emergency Management Conference being held in Brisbane from April 16 – April 18 in 2012.

The conference will include keynote addresses, concurrent sessions and workshops covering human and social issues, economic and environmental challenges, infrastructure, community and communication topics.

It is a joint initiative of the Australian Institute of Emergency Services, the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association Inc and the Association for Sustainability in Business Inc. Each association is a Non-Government, Not for Profit, Member Based organisation.

The "Provisional Conference Program" is now available on the website.

SPECIAL REGISTRATION RATES - Early Bird Discounts Close in February.

Special registration rates will be available to individual Members of the hosting, emergency service and volunteer organisations. Group booking rates will also apply.

Visit the website for more information.

Contact: Tracey Toovey, Joint Association Committee, The Administration Office,

Ph: (61 7) 5502 2068 Fax: (61 7) 5527 3298

Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference

Web: www.anzdmc.com.au Twitter: http://bit.ly/oExEnZ Linkedin: http://linkd.in/x3xjzs

(Source: Conference Secretariat - conference@anzdmc.com.au – 17 January 2012)


2) National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries - Version 1.2 - November 2011

The National Standards Taskforce has developed the National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries in consultation with the museum and gallery sector and with reference to current industry practices, existing resources, and museum development and accreditation programs. They are designed to be an accessible tool for museums and galleries nationwide.

The Standards are structured in three parts:  

• Part A: Managing the Museum

• Part B: Involving People

• Part C: Developing a Significant Collection

Nine guiding Principles are each articulated through a series of Standards and Benchmarks, with corresponding Tips and Resources/references provided for further information.

The revised standards can be downloaded from www.collectionsaustralia.net/sector_info_item/107

(Source: mc2 - Australian Historical Societies Support Group – 18 January 2012)


3) Volunteer's handbook

This volunteer's handbook by Helen Arnoldi is now available for download from University of Melbourne Cultural Collections website - www.unimelb.edu.au/culturalcollections/research/

(Source: mc2 - Australian Historical Societies Support Group – 18 January 2012)


4) Museum lighting and airconditioning

The Technical Industry Report on Museum and Gallery Lighting and Air Conditioning, commissioned by Museum & Gallery Services Queensland in partnership with Regional and Public Galleries New South Wales is now available online

The report informs galleries and museums on future options for economical and environmentally sustainable display and lighting environments, and the preservation and storage of art and cultural material, using appropriate technology, products and systems which comply with recent government legislation.

Further information & download: Museums & Gallery Services Queensland - www.magsq.com.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=88

(Source: mc2 - Australian Historical Societies Support Group – 18 January 2012)


5) Changes in museums since the 1970s

The web publication, Understanding Museums, Australian Museums and Museology, is a history of museums in Australia since the 1970s. It focuses on the changes that have taken place in Australian museums of all kinds and takes as a source of inspiration the Pigott Report on museums and national collection, which was published in 1975.

These essays promote the contribution that museums are making to contemporary Australian culture and society. They articulate the shared goals of the diverse sectors of the museum industry and reveal the essential confidence that museum people have in their collections, programs and audiences.

Sections in the book include Regional museums plus Museums, education and visitor experience.

Further information & download: National Museum of Australia - www.nma.gov.au/research/understanding-museums/index.html

(Source: mc2 - Australian Historical Societies Support Group – 18 January 2012)


6) Joint TICCH/ICOMOS 'Dublin Principles' for preservation

The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) is an international society for the study of industrial archaeology and the protection, promotion and interpretation of the industrial heritage.

Australia ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation of cultural heritage professionals formed as a national chapter of ICOMOS International in 1976.  Australia ICOMOS’ mission is to lead cultural heritage conservation in Australia by raising standards, encouraging debate and generating innovative ideas.  Australia ICOMOS has a Mission Statement, an Ethical Commitment Statement and a Code of Ethics.

The joint TICCIH/ICOMOS "Dublin Principles" after a long and prolonged gestation eventually were ratified in late November 2011. They have now been put on the ICOMOS web site. They are in a variety of European languages including ICOMOS English.

The link is


(Source: ticcih-in-oz@googlegroups.com – 28 January 2012)