2001 Library Accessions
Books, pamphlets, articles (2001 - 83 Accessions)
Author/s: Jones, Daphne
Title: Odd bod boabs of the Kimberley
Publisher details: Kununurra, W.A. : Tuffys Pty. Ltd., [1976?]
Subject: Drawing, Australian
Dewey: 741.994
Libraries Australia no.: 2771231
Accession notes: In white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Young, Norman S. (Norman Smith) Sir, 1911- ; Western Australia
Title: Ord River Irrigation Area review, 1978 : a joint Commonwealth and Western Australian review
Publisher details: [Canberra : s.n.], 1978
Notes: Unpublished
Subject: Irrigation -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 333.913099414
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture
Title: Potential for a sugar cane industry in Western Australia, Ord River irrigation area : an information paper
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : [Dept. of Agriculture], 1981
Subject: Sugarcane -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 338.17361099414
Libraries Australia no.: 2141982
Accession notes: In white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Patterson, R. A. (Rex Alan), 1927- ; ANZAAS. Congress (38th : 1965 : Hobart, Tas.)
Title: The economic justification of the Ord River Irrigation Project
Publisher details: Hobart : ANZAAS, [1965]
Subject: Irrigation -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 333.913099414
Libraries Australia no.: 3111173
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Environmental Protection Authority
Title: Ord River irrigation area stage 2 (M2 supply channel), Kununurra. Part 1, Biodiversity implications : Wesfarmers Sugar Company Pty Ltd, Marubeni Corporation and Water Corporation of Western Australia
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Environmental Protection Authority, 2000
Series: Bulletin (Western Australia. Environmental Protection Authority) ; 988.
Subject: Irrigation -- Environmental aspects -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 333.91315099414
Libraries Australia no.: 21774030
Accession notes: In white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Easton, William R. ; Western Australia. Dept. of the North-West
Title: Report on the North Kimberley district of Western Australia
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Fred. Wm. Simpson, Government Printer, 1921
Subject: Western Australia -- Discovery and exploration
Dewey: 919.4140441
Accession notes: Roneod copy in white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
KHS-L-2001-006 A
Author/s: Easton, William R. ; Western Australia. Dept. of the North-West
Title: Report on the North Kimberley district of Western Australia
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Fred. Wm. Simpson, Government Printer, 1922
Series: Publication (Western Australia. Dept. of the North-West) ; no. 3
Subject: Western Australia -- Discovery and exploration
Dewey: 919.4140441
Libraries Australia no.: 3130177
Accession notes: Photocopy in white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Durack, P. M. ; Western Australian Historical Society
Title: Pioneering the East Kimberleys
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Historical Society, 1933
Notes: Article from : Journal and proceedings (Western Australian Historical Society), v. II, pt. XIV, 1933, p. [1]-46
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Discovery and exploration
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Hicks, Arthur
Title: The Kimberley explored : Forrest expedition of 1879
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Historical Society, 1938
Notes: Article from : Journal and proceedings (Western Australian Historical Society), v. I, Oct. 1938, p. 11-19
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Discovery and exploration
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Title: Kimberley, W.A.
Publisher details: Sydney : Home Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, 1920
Notes: Article from : The inlander : a quarterly magazine dealing with national interests from the outbacker's point of view, vol. 6, no. 1, 1920, p. 2-34
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.)
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Title: Break through in the Kimberley
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Alex. B. Davies, Government Printer, 1962
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Economic conditions
Dewey: 330.99414
Libraries Australia no.: 8823327
Accession notes: Photocopy in white folder
Date accessioned: 26.5.2001
Author/s: Long, John A., 1957-
Title: 360 million-year-old gogo fishes : reconstructing life on an ancient barrier reef in Gogo, Western Australia
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Museum, 2004?
Notes: Article from: Article probably from: Geo Australasia
Subject: Fishes, Fossil - Western Australia - Emanuel Range - Children's literature
Dewey: 567.2
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Wheeler, J. R. (Judith Roderick) ; Western Australia. Dept. of Conservation and Environment
Title: Flora of the Kimberley
Publisher details: Como, W.A. : Dept. of Conservation and Land Management, 1993
Notes: Article from : Landscope : the journal of the Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management, v. 8, no. 3, Autumn 1993, p. 49-53
Subject: Botany -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 581.99414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-013 1
Title: Bring the world to our back doorstep
Publisher details: West Perth, W.A. : Impact Publications, 1993
Notes: Article from : Travel West, June/July 1993, p. 2-3
Subject: El Questro (W.A.)
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-013 2
Title: Focus on Kununurra
Publisher details: West Perth, W.A. : Impact Publications, 1993
Notes: Article from : Travel West, June/July 1993, p. 12-15
Subject: Kununurra (W.A.)
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-013 3
Title: Kimberley magic on El Questro
Publisher details: West Perth, W.A. : Impact Publications, 1993
Notes: Article from : Travel West, June/July 1993, p. 4-5
Subject: El Questro (W.A.)
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Devine, Donna, 1942- ; Hughes, Wade, 1948- ; Indrisie, Frank, 1934- ;
Title: The colourful Kimberley
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.?] : Australian Souvenirs, [1980?]
Series: West in focus ; v. 18
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Guidebooks
Dewey: 919.4140463
Libraries Australia no.: 24836397
Accession notes: Photocopy in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Bransbury, John
Title: Kununurra [and] Lake Argyle
Publisher details: Hawthorn, Vic. : Hutchinson Australia, 1987
Notes: Article from : Where to find birds in Australia / John Bransbury. 1987, p. 448-450
Subject: Kununurra (W.A.)
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Church, Julia
Title: Waderbirds : odyssey of the wetlands
Publisher details: Hawthorn, Vic. : Australian Conservation Foundation, 1993
Notes: Article from : Habitat Australia, v. 21, no. 4, Nov. 1993, p. 30-36
Subject: Water birds -- Australia
Dewey: 598.29240994
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-017 A
Author/s: Chapman, J. G. ; Argyle Diamond Mines Pty. Ltd.
Title: Origins of colour in diamonds
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A. : Argyle Diamonds], 1993
Subject: Diamonds -- Color
Dewey: 553.82
Accession notes: Photocopy in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-017 B
Author/s: Chamber of Mines and Energy of Western Australia
Title: In the north west
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Chamber of Mines and Energy, [1989]
Subject: Western Australia, Northwestern -- History
Dewey: 994.13
Accession notes: In white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Terpstra, Leo ; Keen, Kris ; Royal Australian Institute of Architects. W.A. Chapter
Title: Western Australia's heritage : "studying local history"
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A. : s.n.], [1987?]
Subject: Western Australia -- Historiography
Dewey: 994.1007
Libraries Australia no.: 5681500
Accession notes: ex KHS 99/22/7
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: McCarthy, H. J. M. ; Western Australia. Education Dept.
Title: Swan River settlement
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Education Dept., 1976
Subject: Swan River Settlement (W.A.) -- History
Dewey: 994.102
Libraries Australia no.: 1680781
Accession notes: ex KHS 99/22/8
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Rielly, C. W. (Campbell W.) ; Western Australia. Education Dept.
Title: A time of trial : the colony of Western Australia, 1839-1850
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Education Dept. of Western Australia, 1979
Subject: Western Australia -- History
Dewey: 994.102
Libraries Australia no.: 1679496
Accession notes: ex KHS 99/22/9
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: Ingham, Anne Marie
Title: Pioneers of the Kimberley : the Maggie Lilly story
Publisher details: Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. : Halstead Press, 2000
Subject: Biography
Dewey: 920
Libraries Australia no.: 21660056
Accession notes: Signed by Maggie Lilly
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-022 A
Author/s: Favelle, Kathryn
Title: Contributing to miracles : the community heritage grants program
Publisher details: Canberra : National Library of Australia, 2000
Notes: Article from : National Library of Australia news, May 2000, p. 7-9
Subject: Kununurra Historical Society
Dewey: 994.14
Accession notes: Whole issue
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
KHS-L-2001-022 B
Author/s: Favelle, Kathryn
Title: Contributing to miracles : the community heritage grants program
Publisher details: Canberra : National Library of Australia, 2000
Notes: Article from : National Library of Australia news, May 2000, p. 7-9
Subject: Kununurra Historical Society
Dewey: 994.14
Accession notes: Photocopied article in white folder
Date accessioned: 18.6.2001
Author/s: East Kimberley Sports Fishing Club
Title: The Abc of fishing : Kimberley style
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A. : Kimberley Business Machines], [1980?]
Subject: Fishing -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 799.1099414
Accession notes: In white folder
Date accessioned: 19.6.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Commerce and Trade ; Western Australia. Kimberley Development Commission ; Western Australia. Dept. of Local Government and Regional Development ;
Title: Kimberley economic perspective, 1999
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : The Dept. and the Commission, 1999
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Economic conditions -- Periodicals
Dewey: 330.99414
Libraries Australia no.: 11702929
Date accessioned: 19.6.2001
Author/s: Kununurra Tourist Bureau
Title: East Kimberley adventure guide, 2000
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A.] : The Kimberley Echo [and] Kununurra Tourist Bureau, 2000
Subject: East Kimberley (W.A.) -- Description and travel -- Periodicals
Dewey: 919.414
Libraries Australia no.: 12881475
Date accessioned: 19.6.2001
Author/s: Keene, Kathy ; Mousalli, Sara ; Wyndham District High School (W.A.) ;
Title: Students' views of Wyndham : an historical collection of stories and pictures from the past 100 years
Publisher details: [Wyndham, W.A. : Wyndham District High School], [1986]
Subject: Wyndham (W.A.) -- History
Dewey: 994.14
Libraries Australia no.: 5192192
Date accessioned: 19.6.2001
Author/s: Jennings, Brian G. ; Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture ; Western Australia. Dept. of Lands and Surveys ;
Title: The Present and future pastoral industry of Western Australia : a report on the state of the pastoral industry in Western Australia including an examination of its financial situation, its physical productivity, its long term future and social and demographic issues, April 1979
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Dept. of Lands and Survey [and] Dept. of Agriculture, 1979
Subject: Grazing -- Western Australia
Dewey: 338.17609941
Libraries Australia no.: 1659719
Date accessioned: 19.6.2001
Author/s: Trade Show Organisation ?????
Title: Marketing activities (trade), Feb '95 - May '95 : Talkabout, ITB, WATC, ATE
Publisher details: [S.l. : s.n.], 1995
Subject: Capital market -- Australia
Dewey: 332.6320994
Accession notes: Photocopy
Date accessioned: 20.6.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Environmental Protection Authority ; Western Australia. Dept. of Conservation and Environment
Title: Argyle diamond project : report and recommendations
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Dept. of Conservation and Environment, 1983
Series: Bulletin (Western Australia. Dept. of Conservation and Environment) ; no. 139
Subject: Diamond mines and mining -- Environmental aspects -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 333.85099414
Libraries Australia no.: 3253432
Accession notes: Only 1 copy on shelves
Date accessioned: 24.7.2001
Author/s: Qantas ; Australian Airlines
Title: Fish Australia and the South Pacific with angling adventures
Publisher details: [Geelong, Vic. : Angling Adventures], 1991
Subject: Fishing -- Australia
Dewey: 799.10994
Date accessioned: 24.7.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Regional Development and the North West
Title: Kimberley Recreational Fishing Advisory Groups (Broome, Derby and Kununurra) final reports
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A. : Dept. Of Regional Development & the North West], 1990
Notes: Unpublished
Subject: Fishing -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 799.1099414
Date accessioned: 24.7.2001
Author/s: Ellis, M. R. ; Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture
Title: The potential for horticulture in the Kimberleys : a working paper
Publisher details: Kununurra, W.A. : Western Australia Dept. of Agriculture, [1980]
Subject: Horticulture -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 338.175099414
Libraries Australia no.: 2041340
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
Author/s: Toohill, B. L. (Bruce L.) ; Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture
Title: Horticultural research and development in north-west Australia : proceedings of a meeting at the Kununurra Regional Office of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture, December 7-9, 1983
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Western Australian Dept. of Agriculture, 1984
Series: Miscellaneous publication (Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture)
Subject: Horticulture -- Research -- Western Australia
Dewey: 635.07209414
Libraries Australia no.: 3852509
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 A
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : promoting your venture
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 B
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : basic catering skills
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 C
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : what legal considerations are involved?
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 D
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : summarizing and selling your idea
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 E
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : keeping track of the venture
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 F
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : what is a themed eatery?
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 G
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : is self-employment for you?
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 H
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : establishing your market size
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Libraries Australia no.: 12765518
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
KHS-L-2001-034 I
Author/s: University of New England. Financial Management Research Centre ; Queensland. Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs
Title: Blueprints for enterprises in small towns : can the venture pay its way?
Publisher details: Brisbane : Dept. of Employment and Industrial Affairs, 198-?
Subject: Small business -- Queensland -- Planning
Dewey: 307.109943
Date accessioned: 25.7.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Lands and Surveys
Title: Ord irrigation project : applications for farms December, 1972
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : The Dept, 1972
Notes: Also titled: Ord irrigation project : brochure for farms
Subject: Irrigation -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 333.913099414
Accession notes: Photocopy
Date accessioned: 2.8.2001
Author/s: Ord Project Co-ordinating Committee. Cattle Integration Sub-Committee
Title: Report of the Cattle Integration Sub-Committee
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Ord Project Co-ordinating Committee, 1970
Subject: Beef cattle -- Economic aspects -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 338.176213099414
Libraries Australia no.: 3047105
Accession notes: Bound photocopy
Date accessioned: 2.8.2001
Author/s: Forbes, S. J. (Stephen J.) ; Kenneally, Kevin Francis, 1945-
Title: A botanical survey of Bungle Bungle and Osmond Range, south=eastern Kimberley, Western Australia
Publisher details: Nedlands, W.A. : Western Australian Naturalists' Club, 1986
Series: Western Australian naturalist, Vol. 16, nos. 5-7
Subject: Botany -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 581.99414
Libraries Australia no.: 10061454
Accession notes: In white folder - can't find map
Date accessioned: 2.8.2001
KHS-L-2001-038 A
Author/s: Northern Territory Licensing Commission
Title: New licence application : Keep River Roadhouse : hearing date, 31 July and 1 August 2000
Publisher details: [Darwin] : Northern Territory Licensing Commission, 2000
Notes: Applicant: Pauline Bailley
Subject: Hotels, taverns, etc. -- Law and legislation -- Northern Territory
Dewey: 344.94290541
Date accessioned: 2.8.2001
KHS-L-2001-038 B
Author/s: Northern Territory Licensing Commission
Title: New licence application : Keep River Roadhouse : hearing date, 18, 19, 20, 21 and September 2000
Publisher details: [Darwin] : Northern Territory Licensing Commission, 2000
Notes: Applicant: Pauline BailleyArticle from:
Subject: Hotels, taverns, etc. -- Law and legislation -- Northern Territory
Dewey: 344.94290541
Date accessioned: 2.8.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Regional Development and the North West. Kimberley Office
Title: Kimberley economic profile
Publisher details: Kununurra, W.A. : The Office, [1978]
Notes: Cover
Title: The Kimberley
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Economic conditions
Dewey: 994.140025
Date accessioned: 2.8.2001
Author/s: Kimberley Pastoral Industry Inquiry (W.A.) ; Jennings, Brian G.
Title: Kimberley pastoral industry inquiry : final report : an industry and government report on the problems and future of the Kimberley pastoral industry, October 1985
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A. : Kimberley Pastoral Industry Inquiry], 1985
Subject: Animal industry -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 338.17620099414
Libraries Australia no.: 4426257
Accession notes: Was
Date accessioned: 9.8.2001
Author/s: Young, Norman S. (Norman Smith) Sir, 1911- ; Western Australia
Title: Ord River Irrigation Area review, 1978 : a joint Commonwealth and Western Australian review
Publisher details: Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service, 1978
Subject: Irrigation -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 333.913099414
Libraries Australia no.: 24342839
Accession notes: Was KHS98/10/E2
Date accessioned: 9.8.2001
Author/s: Australia. Dept. of Northern Development
Title: A Report to the Ord project co-ordinating committee on prospects for integrating rangeland cattle production with the Ord irrigation project
Publisher details: Canberra : Dept of Northern Development, 1975
Subject: Cattle -- Western Australia -- Ord River Region
Dewey: 338.1762
Libraries Australia no.: 6034037
Accession notes: Was KHS98/10/E3
Date accessioned: 9.8.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Tourism ; Kimberley Regional Development Committee (W.A.)
Title: Kimberley regional tourism survey 1981
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A.] : Western Australian Dept. Of Tourism in association with the Kimberley Regional Development Committee, 1981
Subject: Tourism -- Western Australia -- Kimberley
Dewey: 338.47919414
Libraries Australia no.: 2032564
Accession notes: Was KHS98/10F
Date accessioned: 10.8.2001
Author/s: Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council ; Koltasz Smith & Partners
Title: Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley town planning scheme number 7 : Kununurra and environs scheme report
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A. : Koltasz Smith & Partners], 1999
Notes: March 1999
Subject: City planning -- Western Australia -- Kununurra Region
Dewey: 711.409
Accession notes: ex KHS 99 43/20
Date accessioned: 15.8.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Dept. of Regional Development and the North West ; Kimberley Regional Development Advisory Committee (W.A.)
Title: Kimberley regional profile. Rev. ed.
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Dept. of Regional Development and the North West, [1986?]
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- Economic conditions
Dewey: 330.99414
Libraries Australia no.: 4763366
Accession notes: Ex KHS 99 43/17
Date accessioned: 15.8.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Parliament
Title: Diamond (Ashton Joint Venture) agreement bill 1981
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Govt. Printer, 1981
Subject: Diamond mines and mining -- Law and legislation -- Western Australia -- Argyle, Lake, Region
Dewey: 346.9410922
Accession notes: ex KHS 99/6/86
Date accessioned: 20.8.2001
Author/s: Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council ; Van Steveninck, A. (Annette) ; Western Australia. State Planning Commission. Environment and Estate Division ;
Title: Lake Kununurra foreshore draft management plan
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A.?] : The Shire, 1987
Subject: Lakeshore development -- Western Australia -- Kununurra, Lake -- Management
Dewey: 333.91715099414
Libraries Australia no.: 5799565
Date accessioned: 6.9.2001
Author/s: McGonigal, David, 1950- ; Australian Geographic Pty. Ltd
Title: The Australian Geographic book of the Kimberley
Publisher details: Terrey Hills, N.S.W. : Australian Geographic, 1990
Notes: Also titled: Book of the Kimberley
Subject: Kimberley (W.A.) -- History
Dewey: 919.414
Libraries Australia no.: 6733966
Date accessioned: 7.9.2001
Author/s: National Library of Australia
Title: National Library of Australia news, Apr. 1999
Publisher details: Canberra : National Library of Australia, 1999
Subject: Libraries -- Australia -- Periodicals
Dewey: 027.59405
Libraries Australia no.: 7540106
Accession notes: see p12, 18
Date accessioned: 7.9.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Parliament. Legislative Council ; Western Australia. Parliament. Legislative Assembly
Title: Parliamentary debates (Hansard) : Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly, 1980
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Government Printer, 1980
Subject: Western Australia -- Politics and government
Dewey: 328.94105
Libraries Australia no.: 8067139
Accession notes: ex 2001/161
Date accessioned: 7.9.2001
Author/s: Ogden, Pearl ; Historical Society of the Northern Territory
Title: Bradshaw via Coolibah : the history of Bradshaw's Run and Coolibah Station
Publisher details: Darwin : Historical Society of the Northern Territory, 1989
Subject: Ranch life -- Northern Territory
Dewey: 636.201
Libraries Australia no.: 6697950
Date accessioned: 27.9.2001
Author/s: Sing, Peter, 1940- ; Ogden, Pearl
Title: From humpy to homestead : the biography of Sabu
Publisher details: Darwin : Pearl Ogden, 1992
Subject: Biography
Dewey: 636.200994295
Libraries Australia no.: 9351636
Date accessioned: 27.9.2001
Author/s: McNamara, Ken ; Western Australian Museum
Title: Tektites
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Museum, 1985
Subject: Tektite
Dewey: 552
Libraries Australia no.: 3853206
Date accessioned: 2.10.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Education Dept.
Title: Walking in Perth city
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Education Dept. Of W.A., 1978
Series: Living history in Western Australia ; no. 1
Subject: Historic sites -- Perth (W.A.)
Dewey: 720.99411
Libraries Australia no.: 45228617
Date accessioned: 9.10.2001
KHS-L-2001-055 A
Author/s: Russell Taylor and William Burrell (Firm) ; Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council
Title: Kununurra townsite. Town planning scheme no. 4 : report and text
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Russell Taylor & William Burrell, [1980?]
Subject: City planning -- Western Australia -- Kununurra
Dewey: 711.4099414
Date accessioned: 24.10.2001
KHS-L-2001-055 B
Author/s: Russell Taylor and William Burrell (Firm) ; Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council
Title: Kununurra townsite. Town planning scheme no. 4 : report and text
Publisher details: Perth : Russell Taylor & William Burrell, [1980?]
Subject: City planning -- Western Australia -- Kununurra
Dewey: 711.4099414
Date accessioned: 24.10.2001
Author/s: Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council ; Lange, Dames and Campbell Australia
Title: Kununurra central area traffic and parking study for the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley : interim report, March 1966
Publisher details: [Perth, W.A.] : Lange Dames & Campbell (NT) Pty Ltd Consulting Engineers and Planners, 1996
Subject: Traffic surveys -- Western Australia -- Kununurra
Dewey: 711.7099414
Date accessioned: 3.11.2001
Author/s: Kununurra District High School
Title: Year book, 2000
Publisher details: [Kununurra, W.A.] : The School, 2000
Subject: High schools -- Western Australia -- Kununurra -- Periodicals
Dewey: 373.941
Libraries Australia no.: 13657122
Date accessioned: 9.11.2001
Author/s: Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council
Title: Agenda and with supporting documentation, 16 April 1998
Publisher details: Kununurra : SWEK, 1998
Subject: Wyndham-East Kimberley (W.A.). Council
Dewey: 352.099414
Date accessioned: 9.11.2001
Author/s: DPP/CSIRO/WADA/CCNT Annual Joint Research Meetings
Title: Proceedings of the ninth annual joint research meeting, CCNT/CSIRO/DPIF/WADA 8th (1987)
Publisher details: Darwin, N.T. : Northern Territory, Dept. of Primary Production, 1987
Subject: Agriculture -- Australia -- Congresses
Dewey: 630.994
Libraries Australia no.: 5630484
Date accessioned: 9.11.2001
Author/s: DPP/CSIRO/WADA/CCNT Annual Joint Research Meetings
Title: Proceedings of the ninth annual joint research meeting, CCNT/CSIRO/DPIF/WADA 9th (1988)
Publisher details: Darwin, N.T. : Northern Territory, Dept. of Primary Production, 1988
Subject: Agriculture -- Australia -- Congresses
Dewey: 630.994
Libraries Australia no.: 5630484
Date accessioned: 9.11.2001
Author/s: Young, Howard Laurence
Title: Truscott W.A. 1989 : the relics
Publisher details: 1989
Notes: Unpublished
Subject: Truscott (W.A.) -- Pictorial works
Dewey: 919.414
Accession notes: 2001/176
Date accessioned: 9.11.2001
Author/s: Prime, Mervyn W. ; Royal Australian Air Force Association. Western Australian Division
Title: WA's Pearl Harbour : the Japanese raid on Broome
Publisher details: Bull Creek, W.A. : [Western Australian Division] Royal Australian Air Force Association, 1985
Subject: World War, 1939-1945 -- Western Australia -- Broome -- Aerial operations, Japanese
Dewey: 940.5429
Libraries Australia no.: 4922814
Accession notes: KHS 99/9AH.5
Date accessioned: 15.11.2001
Author/s: Western Australia. Fisheries Dept.
Title: Fish resources management regulations 1995
Publisher details: Perth, W.A. : Govt. Print, 1995
Notes: Vol. 2 of Fish Resources Management Act 1994
Subject: Fishery resources -- Law and legislation -- Western Australia
Dewey: 343.941
Libraries Australia no.: 13452780
Accession notes: KHS 2001/80H6
Date accessioned: 21.12.2001
Author/s: ERM Mitchell McCotter and Associates
Title: Lower Ord management plan : prepared for Lower Ord Management Plan Working Group. Volume 1
Publisher details: [West Perth, W.A.] : ERM Mitchell McCotter, 1997
Subject: Water quality management -- Ord Basin (W.A. and N.T.)
Dewey: 333.73099414
Accession notes: KHS 2001/80H6
Date accessioned: 21.12.2001
Author/s: ERM Mitchell McCotter and Associates
Title: Lower Ord profile : prepared for Lower Ord Management Plan Working Group. Volume 2
Publisher details: [West Perth, W.A.] : ERM Mitchell McCotter, 1997
Subject: Water quality management -- Ord Basin (W.A. and N.T.)
Dewey: 333.73099414
Accession notes: KHS 2001/80H6
Date accessioned: 21.12.2001
Author/s: Kewagama Research (Firm)
Title: Ord River fishing inventory application, June 1995
Publisher details: Tewantin, Qld. : Kewagama Research, 1995
Subject: Fisheries -- Western Australia -- Ord River
Dewey: 639.2099414
Accession notes: KHS 2001/80H6
Date accessioned: 21.12.2001
Author/s: Kewagama Research (Firm) ; East Kimberley Recreational Fishing Advisory Council
Title: Ord River fishing survey : report to East Kimberley Recreational Fishing Advisory Council : draft
Publisher details: Tewantin, Qld. : Kewagama Research, 1996
Subject: Fisheries -- Western Australia -- Ord River
Dewey: 639.2099414
Accession notes: KHS 2001/80H6
Date accessioned: 21.12.2001
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